Fishing in the Archipelago


Fishing in the archipelago is never boring. There is always a working method and there are always fish. You will invariably find a spot for yourself among Fredrikstad and Hvaler’s thousands of islands, and rod fishing in the archipelago is completely free.

The Hunt For the Queen of the Ocean

Spring is the great season for the fisherman hunting for the sea trout. It is called “The Queen of the Ocean”, and is more exotic and harder to catch than mackerel and coalfish. The sea trout is a shy fish and will only grant you a few chances before it runs off. Go fishing between islets and reefs, preferably where there are currents. Your best opportunities are at dawn or when dusk sets in. The sea trout seeks shallower water at these times of day to feed on the prey that live here. Stomach samples have shown that the big sea trout prefers herring and sprat. Spoon bait resembling these fish should be your first choice, and it should run fast and in jerks through the water.
Please observe the general protection zone of 100 meters on each side of brooks were sea trout wander upstream to spawn. In these spots one can often catch thin and spawned fish. Move away and instead find bays or shallow water of max. 2-3 meter depths if you are looking for sea trout. The islets at the Puttesund bridge or at the Djupeklo beach and the areas outside the Skjebergkilen inlet are good fishing spots if you want to catch sea trout.

Sea Trout

The Mackerel

The mackerel is the summer’s most popular fish. The mackerel don’t arrive until the sea temperature reaches 10-14 degrees (Centigrade). It enters the Oslo fjord in May-June to spawn. In late summer mackerel of all sizes approach the coastline. They feed on small herring and shellfish. The best fishing time is at sunrise and sunset. Mackerel and jellyfish prefer the same temperature, and they also feed on partly the same small species. Sea breeze and medium water level provide the best fishing conditions.

Cod and Coalfish
The cod spawn and stay in the fjord. They prefer temperatures between 6 and 10 degrees. The water close to shore holds this temperature during the months of May, October, November and December. The coalfish also like this temperature best and can easiest be found in shallow water. The coalfish stay in the Oslo fjord until they reach a weight of approx. 3 kilos. They then leave the fjord and migrate to their spawning areas.

Fish in Vacation Mode
July is the summer vacation month for most Norwegians. We then take off to the coast and the sea – to go camping, to our cabins or to our boats. Many also dream of fishing and to get a big catch. But it is not easy to catch much when the sun is blazing and the fish is not particularly interested in taking the bait. It is, however, not impossible to catch fish in the summertime. It is just a question of fishing from a boat. Deep sea fishing and the use of natural bait ensures a catch even on hot summer days.

See an useful map for the best fishing places in Fredrikstad and Hvaler -->